Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Book recommendations

I've been invited to a lot of these book recommendation sites. Too much trouble. I'll give some recent favorites here (following Jessica Smith's example):

Loss by Aase Berg (2007) (also I'm mentioned in the notes which immediately puts it #1 on the list)
Ivan Blatny (Ugly Duckling P, 2007)
Johan Jönsson's "Collobert Orbital"
The most recent Jäderlund as well as "Blomman och Människobenet," her second most recent
Trumpeten in Stjärten by Öyvind Fahlström (never published, Artaud-influenced poems from early 1950s)
Minneslista by Fahlstrom (a game published in early 1960s)
"Fahlström - Another Space for Painting" (Catalog for retrospective at Macba in Barcelona)
The catalog from the Fahlström retrospective at Guggenheim Museum in NYC.
The Cow by Ariana Reines
Nylund the Sarcophager by J.McSweeney
The Cinematic Body by Steven Shaviro
Shaviro's book on Bataille and excess
Jonathan Crary's "Suspension of Perception"
Nicanor Parra - Emergency Poems
Roberto Bolano - Distant Star
Faulkner - The Sound and the Fury
Deleuze - Cinema
Kenny Goldsmith's reading with me in Oslo was pretty great
Pretty much all of Caroline Bergwall's recordings on Ubu and Nypoesi


Blogger Amish Trivedi said...

A book with you in the notes and a book by your wife. Nice.

:) <-- Please note the humorous tone of this comment based on the smiley face indicated by the arrow. Thank you.

5:14 PM  

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