Wednesday, October 14, 2009

&Now in Buffalo

I'm just about to leave town again, this time for Buffalo, where I'm going to participate in the &Now Conference. Tomorrow morning at 8 I'm going to be at a panel discussing my American Hybrid review and an article by Ben Marcus about contemporary fiction (I just read it last night, I have much to opine about, perhaps from my hotel room tonight); then I'll talk about the Gurlesque at 10 with Lara; and then I'll talk about collaboration with John Woods and JA Tyler at 2 pm. Then early on Saturday I have a conflicting schedule of Starcherone and Action Books readings. And there's a lot of other things I will want to go to. James Pate will talk about Beckett and Minnis at 8 am on Friday for example. Also, I'm bringing some copies of Killing Kanokos.


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